The Leal Knights of Icarus [Fall] New Casual PvE Guild
At press time, I am the founder and sole member of [Fall], but I hope that will change (pls).
Edit: I now have one member.
About Me/[Fall]
The guild is intended for casual PvE. Balanced way is preferred when possible. I've played ~3,500 hours and am familiar with most areas of the game and play all professions. I often do the ZB & ZM on multiple characters, usually playing for a couple hours a day, though sometimes for several. I imagine the guild will operate between 5PM-1AM EST, as these are the times I am most likely to be on. I enjoy helping other players work on their in-game goals; at the moment, besides ZQ, I am mostly doing vanqs.
Looking For
I am primarily looking for other relatively experienced players who aren't interested in playing "pro," people who know what they are doing and just want to enjoy the game with other people. That said, newer players are also welcome. I, for one, like helping out. I don't aim necessarily for large guild, but a group of players who get along and play well with each other.
A month or more of unexplained inactivity will result in a kick. Speak to other players respectfully and avoid racial/sexual/homophobic epithets. Generic swearing is fine, as long as you keep it out of Alliance chat.
Please considering joining us and starting a tradition of good, clean monster-killing fun.
IGN: Avaran Terethen/Latha Herklos/Terminum Sotha/Torridus Cor